I have been searching for baby doll bath toys for toddlers and preschoolers. When I found the JC Toys La Newborn Baby Bath doll, I knew this is just what my girls needed! Plus, I have a whole list here of fun bath dolls and bath toys for toddlers and preschoolers! If you are looking for baby dolls that can go in water, then you are in the right place!
Do you have childhood memories of your favorite bath doll? I do! I loved having a baby bath doll to pretend I was a mom and to bath my ‘baby’. I set out to find a bath doll that my girls would love. There are SO many choices each with unique characteristics. I literally spent 5 days going back and forth on which doll I was going to buy.

Baby Doll Bath Toys For Toddlers
While the baby dolls here can be used by toddlers, they can also be used by older children too. My older children (4 year old girl and 8 year old girl) love the bath doll too!
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JC Toys La Newborn Baby Bath Doll
What I liked about the JC Toys La Newborn Baby bath doll was that she included many different items. La Newborn is a realistic baby doll that comes with a bathtub too. I liked the doll accessories and toys that came with her. The little duck is cute and I thought the towel looked sweet. You can get a closer look at the doll and see my children’s review in the video below. It features a quick unboxing and then more details about each item that is included.
Pros: The baby doll toy is cute and perfectly sized. The toys are nice too. It is a full bath doll set that the girls love. It is fairly priced for all that it includes.
Cons: The towel is too small to be functional, so we had just to use one of our own towels instead. The bathtub is also a little small. I have gone ahead and purchased another bath tub to use as well as this one.
My thoughts: I am happy with my purchase. My girls play with the doll EVERY single day. I actually need to purchase another bath doll… either the same one or one that is different since there are currently two of them and only one bath doll.
The JC Toys baby doll bath toys set includes: Bath doll, bathtub, pretend shampoo, toy duck, diaper, name tag bracelet, small towel and toy rattle. You can purchase the doll here.
Baby Doll Bath Toys
- JC Toys Lots To Love Electric Bath Set – Since I need another doll, this is the one I am going to buy. It is from the same company and is almost double the price of the other one but it includes a bigger and better bath. I know my girls will love it!
- Corelle Mon Premiere Bebe Bath Doll – This doll has such high reviews. Apparently, it smells like vanilla. The doll is lightweight and made with a fabric type of material. Therefore, you shouldn’t have any mold issues. The baby will have to be hung to dry after each use in the bath. That is the reason I didn’t buy this one. If the doll is strictly for use in the bath, this is a good option. I wanted my children to be able to dress the baby doll immediately after bathing her.
- Adora Bath Doll – I think this is the most adorable baby bath doll. That doll bath robe is gorgeous and kept making me come back to this doll. She is 100% machine washable. She has a quick dri body, and she comes with a terry bathrobe and washcloth. Apparently, the smell isn’t amazing, and she seems pretty tiny. She will have to be hung to dry, but it dries quickly. She is the perfect doll for one-year-olds and up. Her reviews are very favorable.
- Little Mommy Bubbly Bath Time Doll – This is another all-inclusive bath doll set. She comes with a pink bathtub, washcloth, toothbrush, toothpaste, and cup. She also has ‘dirt’ spots on her that fade away once in the bath.
Baby Doll Bath
I have also purchased this Baby Born bath tub after watching it on YouTube. It seems like the perfect size for any bath doll!
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