Wondering how to get slime out of hair? You’re not alone. In fact, as parents, we’ve probably all been there. It’s happened to my daughter a time or two (ok, probably around ten times.) My slime rule has always been, “TIE YOUR HAIR!” while my husbands rule is “WHO BOUGHT THE KIDS SLIME?!” But I mean, we are “Fun With Mama”, making slime is part of the ‘job’ says my kids. After the initial shock and frustration, the truth is that getting slime out of hair can be done with a few simple tips. Leave the scissors in the drawer and use a more gentle method instead.
And if the slime is getting everywhere in your house, read more about How To Get Slime Out Of Carpet Easily too! When the kids play with slime, it’s going to get places…but you can get it out!
How To Get Slime Out Of Hair
My children all have different lengths of hair so I’ve used this technique to get slime out of all types. I can attest to the fact that it works, and it works very well. I also love that my kids hair don’t seem very damaged. There’s been moments where my youngest comes to me with that nervous smile on her face and says, “How do you remove slime from hair?” My question is, “How do get slime in hair?” But that’s another story. This time, apparently, Barbie took a slime bath without tying her hair… well, let’s look on the bright side… rather Barbie than my baby!
If your child is worried that they’re going to get in trouble once slime gets in their hair, let them know that you are supermom and know how to get slime out of hair and that it’s a “problem” that you can easily take care of.
How do you get slime out of hair?
If you’re curious, you’ve not alone. And if you’re in this predicament right now, this post is going to help you easily learn how to get slime out of hair. Keep reading below to see the method that I used that really does work!
As a family with children who absolutely adore slime, we’ve had our fair share of slime mishaps. However, our latest slime mishap has really taken the cake when my 7-year-old got slime all over her beautiful long hair. I’ve always loved my daughter’s hair so my anxiety went through the roof This time was different from all the other times… it was intertwined in such a large area of her hair! I was so scared we would have to cut her hair off. We are used to slime getting on our carpets and clothing that we are now total pro’s at getting this out.
If this is a problem you are facing then definitely check out my posts on How To Get Slime Out of Clothes and How To Get Slime Out Of Carpet Easily + Stay Sane! Thankfully, we’ve never had a gum stuck on clothing accident, it’s just been slime disasters here.
I also always have a slime rule of hair being tied back, but here was that moment where she did not tie her hair back because she wasn’t actively playing with slime, her brother was passing her slime to play with.
Then the ooey gooey slime spread all throughout the lower part of her hair. Getting slime out of carpet and clothing became easy. But how do you get slime out of hair without damaging her precious hair?
My handy dandy fixer upper husband went straight to work while mommy here was panicking. Surprisingly, it was a lot easier than I thought.
How to remove slime from hair
Get slime out of hair with with conditioner
- First wet hair with hot/warm water to dissolve the slime. (You can do this in the shower or use a sink.)
- Start rubbing in some conditioner from the top of your hair to the bottom. Then brush the slime out with your fingers. Conditioner is oilly and this helps remove the slime particles even further. Leave it for a minute then start rinsing the conditioner off. The slime should start coming off until there is nothing left. Keep using your fingers until it’s all gone.
How to remove slime from hair with pictures
First, we separated the hair that had slime on it from the hair that did not have slime on it. We clipped it aside. Then we used hot water to get the slime out. It seems the hot water dissolved the slime.
Thereafter we used hair conditioner and this removed any remaining slime from her hair. Then it was normal shampoo and conditioning time on clean hair.
How to get slime out of the hair using kitchen items
You don’t need any special products. You can easily get slime out of hair with simple household items you have on hand.
Get slime out of hair with oil
All you need to do is rub on some oil, let it sit for a minute and then use your fingers to remove the slime from your child’s now oilly hair. The oil helps break it down. Make sure to rinse out with water afterwards.
Vinegar, Oil and Peanut Butter
You can use vinegar to get slime out of hair. Pour vinegar on the areas of slime, this helps dissolve it and makes it easier to remove. I am unsure how safe vinegar is on the hair though.
You can also use oil, peanut butter, and even mayonnaise.
Have you had any slime disasters too? Did your child get slime in their hair too?
Here are some of our favorite slime recipes that I think you’ll like as well. And remember, if you get slime in hair, the above tips will help you learn how to get it out with ease!
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