Formula feeding or bottle feeding are both ways of feeding your child, end of story. There is a big divide amongst parents on which way is the ‘best way’ but in my opinion FED IS BEST. Also, a happy healthy mom and baby are important too.
If you are a formula-feeding mom, these Formula Feeding Quotes are here to support you in this decision.
If you are a breastfeeding mom then check out the Best Breastfeeding Quotes so you too are heard and supported.
These formula feeding quotes will hopefully help you remember that you are a great parent and that you are doing exactly what you should be by feeding your baby.
Formula Feeding Quotes
One of the reasons that bottle feeding gets a bad wrap is because some feel it isn’t as much of a bonding experience, but that is not true. Any way that you feed your baby can be a bonding experience.
A few ways to help encourage a stronger bonding experience while formula feeding your little one is to do the following while holding the bottle in your babies mouth:
- Make Eye Contact
- Skin-to-Skin Contact
- Touching and Stroking
- Limiting Feeding Privileges To Parents
- Feeding On Demand
If you are second-guessing yourself, first of all, you should stop. Go with your gut and do what is best for you and your baby!
Second, read these quotes. Some are funny, some are sentimental, and some are just the reassurance that you may need!
The Best Bottle Feeding Quotes
Whether you bottle feed, pump, breastfeed or all of the above, you are doing great momma! Fed is best. -Anonymous
The fact that a mother needs to clarify why she bottle feeds her baby, should not be anyone else’s concern. – Anonymous
Your baby can and will thrive whether she is fed by a bottle or a breast. – Anonymous
You are not a bad mother for choosing to formula feed your baby. – Anonymous
I bottle fed and I breast fed, and before I knew it, they were all eating stale french fries off the floor of the minivan, and I was like, whatever…thanks for cleaning. – Joslyn Gray
Breast or bottle, as long as you’re feeding your baby with LOVE. – Anonymous
I told her she got her milk out of a bottle and I told her that with every bottle I gave her, I gave her a bit of my heart. – The Gentle Mom Blog
It is important to recognize that some of the benefits of breastfeeding have nothing to do with the breast milk, but instead with the bonding experience the act provides. This bonding can be achieved with formula as well. – Anna Glezer, M.D.
My baby is happy, healthy and formula fed. – Anonymous
Your capability to mother is NOT based on your ability to produce milk. – Anonymous
Formula feeding, bottle feeding, tube feeding and combo feeding are all best options for how families meet their babies’ unique feeding needs. – Anonymous
Scoop. Prep. Bond. Repeat. – Anonymous
But really why do I need an excuse? Why do people care how my baby is being fed? He’s well fed, isn’t he? He’s healthy, is he not? If my son is super duper and i am okay giving my baby formula, then why can’t I let go of this gnawing gilt and just feed my baby the way I want to? – Elise
Dear formula feeding mama. I want you to know that it’s okay. That you’re making a good decision and your baby is going to be just fine. You’re providing him with life, food, and love and that’s something that flows from a mother’s heart, not just a mother’s breasts. You’re doing beautifully, momma. Pick up the bottle, set down your fears, and enjoy this wild ride of uncertainty that is motherhood. – Anonymous
There is no one perfect way to be a good mother. Each situation is unique. Each mother has different challenges, different skills and abilities, and certainly different children…What matters is that a mother loves her children deeply. – M. Russel Ballard
As mothers, we don’t always get to decide how we feed our babies. It’s simply our job to feed them. – Colleen Olsen
…respect for the formula milk that provided the nutrients your baby needed to thrive. – Anonymous
My future is not determined by milk. – Anonymous
My breasts, my baby, my business. Your permission or approval is not required. – Anonymous
No, I don’t breastfeed my child. Yes, I tried, but it didn’t work out. My child is just as healthy as yours, so don’t judge me. – Anonymous
You may need to measure your baby’s milk, but using formula in no way measures your ability as a mother. – Anonymous
This is not the enemy. Formula can be lifesaving. – Anonymous
Your worth as a parent is not measured in ounces. – Anonymous
Remember that you are doing a great job. You are taking the best care of your baby, and she loves you for it!
These are our favorite formula-fed quotes out there.
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