Can you make slime without borax? YES! If you’ve been reading about the dangers of making slime with borax and it has you concerned then check out this post to see how to make slime without borax.

How to make slime without Borax
With the latest slime craze, it seems that no matter where you go parents and children are either holding homemade slime or talking about it! I guess creating slime speaks to the inner scientist in each child. Most slime recipe’s contain Borax but there was a story in the news about a little girl whose hands got burned while playing with borax slime. While there are thousands of children each day playing with slime, if the small risk of Borax harming your child is something that concerns you then why not try a recipe with a borax substitute.
Always have adult supervision when your kids are making slime!
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The best glue for slime is this Elmer’s Glue. The tub is big enough to not use up all the glue you have on hand at home and it allows you a few different tries to create different slime variations.
My children and I tried 4 slime recipe’s without borax…
We tried Fluffy Slime, Butter Slime, Glitter Slime and a basic slime! You can watch the video below to see how we did it. Once we were done making the slime then we used these wonderful slime containers to keep it fresh for as long as possible. You could also use a ziplock bag if you prefer.
How to make Slime
Watch my kids make slime video above. They show you easy steps! Plus, if you have a child between the ages of 3-13 they can watch it too.
Subscribe to our New Youtube Kids channel for children.
How to make a slime without Borax
When you are making slime you need a slime activator. You can use a borax substitute like contact lens solution/saline or liquid laundry detergent. If you would prefer to use borax, then dissolve 1/2 a tsp of Borax mixed with 1 cup of water.
Since you want to try recipe’s without it… I have listed the following easy to make slime recipe’s that don’t need Borax. Please note that when it comes to the saline solution, you have to add it in slowly. How much you need will be determined by your own mixture, so do this part slowly.
You can see how fun it was when my kids were making slime.
Fluffy Slime Recipe:
- 3 cups foamy shaving cream
- 1 cup Elmer’s PVA Glue
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- Food Color
- Contact Solution/Saline.. We used 5 teaspoons.
Don’t forget to check out the step by step slime tutorial on how to make fluffy slime.
A Basic Slime Recipe
- 1 cup of Elmer’s PVA Glue
- A squirt of hand lotion (anything you have at home)
- Food Color
- Saline Solution
- Glitter is optional – the more you put in the more it will show.
- 1 tsp of baking soda
Butter Slime Recipe:
- 1 cup of Elmer’s PVA Glue
- 1 cup of foamy shaving cream
- 1 tsp baking soda
- Yellow food coloring
- Saline Solution – squirt until it is the right consistency.
I am often asked through email, “How do you make slime?” Well, it is probably easier than you thought!
Slime fails:
We tried to make glitter glue by using a glitter glue bottle mixed with water, contact lens solution and it failed. Don’t give up! Try another recipe.
Do you know how to make slime without glue? I didn’t even know it was possible! The following video tutorials show you how easy it is to make slime without borax and glue
1. The stretchiest slime recipe
Check out my video on how to make basic slime here. It shows you some tips and tricks to revitalize your slime.
2. Make it four ways
Courtney shows us how to make slime without borax with examples of making slime using glue and Sta-flo (which is a liquid starch), Tide liquid laundry detergent, saline solution and saline solution and baking soda.
2. Easy Fluffy Slime
Mimi is so adorable! She shows us how to make goo without borax. Did you know that slime is also called goo? I didn’t until I received a few e-mails inquiring about it. Mimi’s video shows us exactly why we make slime with our children…she captures how much fun it is for children to make slime. This recipe uses glue, shaving cream, paint and liquid starch. Children will really enjoy watching her.
3. The Best Rainbow Slime Recipe!
Gillian’s whole video is so colorful and happy! She tries a variety of ways to make slime and it looks
4. Glitter and Liquid Starch slime video
I love that Sarah’s videos are short (under 60 seconds) but contain all the necessary steps. She really shows you how easy it is to create slime with liquid starch. This is the best way to make slime with kids.
5. Sticky Fluffy Rainbow Slime
This slime is of a slightly different consistency since it sort of sticks to your hands a bit. How gorgeous is it though?!
6. This video shows you how to make slime without Borax and glue. She instead uses dish washing liquid, gel body wash, salt, hand soap and corn starch. It feels really different from the others but seems just as fluffy.
I hope you enjoyed my round up of how to make a slime without borax?
If you are looking for some fun slime recipes to try with the kids then check these out:
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