Find the fractions on a number line worksheet that is perfect for your student with our free activity pack. We’ve created these Fractions on a Number Line Worksheets that makes practicing and understanding fractions a bit easier.
These worksheets encourage are perfect for practicing fractions with 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students.
You can find the free fractions on a number line worksheet PDF at the bottom of the post.
Fractions are quite often used in cooking, spending money, sharing candy and snacks – just to name a few. That’s why understanding of fractions is so important in our daily lives. Introducing and practicing fractions doesn’t have to be difficult, though. Using no-prep printables and fillable worksheets like this can help provide additional practice to improve foundational understanding of fractions and help students further grasp the concept of fractions.
Practice makes perfect.
If you are looking for something more hands on check out our Snowman Task Cards – Clip Card Fractions activity. They are great for math centers
If your child is beginning to learn fractions, or you think it is time for them to start, this free printable packet is for you.
Fractions On A Number Line Worksheets
The fractions on a number line worksheets pack contains over 20 pages and starts off with simple fractions. This was perfect for my daughter who was just beginning to work with fractions. After reading about how to find the denominator, she was able to answer the questions by working out and writing in the correct denominator.
After this, she was then able to move on to learning about the numerator. Each activity has an example for each of these to show the learners how the activity is done. My daughter was eager to move on to the next activity!
The next activity that my daughter did was to find the different fractions, between 0 and 1, on a number line. This was an important activity because she was able to practice all the fractions up to tenths. She liked these because it was finding and filling in the missing numbers on the fractions on a number line. She loves problem solving with missing number activities.
We have also included activities that will move onto finding fractions between different numbers eg. 2 and 3, 4 and 5. There are two different types of activities for learning this.
We have also included activities for advancing through fractions. This includes moving on to the mixed number fractions worksheets. There are multiple different activities for learning how to find mixed fractions.
The Fraction On A Number Line Worksheet pack is perfect for practicing all levels of fractions from easy to more complicated.
It is perfect for children, like my daughter, who are just learning as well as children who may just need extra practice!Use these as a third-grade math worksheet with your early finishers or during morning work, or whether you plan to use them with special education math students,
You may also like these Fraction clip cards.
For more math activities check out the:
I am trying to download the fraction packet. However, the link is not connecting. Is there a way to send me the link?
Thanks in advance.
Thank you for letting me know. I just fixed the link.