This lovely Spring Printable Pack includes Spring activities for preschoolers and kindergarten students. They will love sitting under a tree, learning with some gorgeous Spring creatures while working on their math and literacy skills.

Spring activities for preschoolers
Spring is already in full bloom here. We love to start our spring season with a fun spring themed sensory bin.
I do a different sensory bin each year using similar but different items inside. My spring activities for preschoolers adapts according to the age of my child and her current interest. Green colored rice is always my base for these spring sensory bins.
We did the Spring Scavenger Hunt earlier this week and it was so much of fun!
You know me, I also love to incorporate a lot of learning throughout our daily activities at home. My daughter has become really good at skip counting and loves doing these puzzles with me.
Materials Required:
Here are some items that pair well with these activities.
- Do a Dot Art Markers
- Card stock(to print everything out on.)
- A pocket chart
- Scissors
- Write and wipe Dry Erase Pockets
- Laminator with pockets (If you want to make it reusable.)
- Clothespins (for the clip cards or use other types of markers, gems, etc.)
With a spring theme for preschoolers, there is so many fun options!
We have started adding some spring books that are great for coloring. Preschoolers always love coloring and tracing these.
As per Fun With Mama preschool printables, we have included amongst others, the following activities:
- Puzzles
- Line Tracing Page
- Count and Clip Cards
- Cutting Practice page
- See and Stamp Fingerprint activity
- Montessori 3 Part Cards
- Size Sequencing Cards
- Number Puzzles
- Word Building Puzzle
- Number Cards
- I Spy Fun
- pages
- Trace the letters
- Story / Creative Writing Pages
- Color by Number / Letter Pages
Also included are some fun Spring puppets which are easy to create, just print out, laminate and paste a paddle pop stick to the back. Kids will love to create their own scenes or stories with these fun puppets.
As always, there are a variety of math and literacy activities that help children with counting, skip counting, graphing, size sequencing and more.
The Spring Bingo would also be a fun addition to this pack. Grab it here. You can also get my set of 12 bingo themed games for classrooms here.
Also check out:
Now is also the right time to do the caterpillar to butterfly life cycle activity.
More spring activities for preschoolers on the blog:
– Create a Spring themed Sensory bin.
– Spring play dough mats
– Spring bugs recycled craft
– Spring Paper doll dress up
– Seasons paper doll activities
– Spring play dough flower planting activity
– Plant Life Cycle
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